Eco-agrotourisme en Bosnie

Discovering Bosnia&Herzegovina (and surroundings) during my internship

posté le samedi 14 mars 2009 à 19:14

The ancient national library

La bibliotheque nationale et universitaire a ete incendiee en aout 1992, ce qui entraina la disparition de pres d'un million d'ouvrages rares. Les autres ont heureusement pu etre sauves.

Le batiment est progressivement en cours de renovation (la facade cote riviere est entierement cachee).

On peut neanmoins distinguer la finesse des decors de ce batiment austro-hongrois sur les parties qui ne sont pas encore en travaux...


The national and university library was set on fire in august 1992. That caused the disparition of about 1 million of rare works. By chance, the others have been saved.

The building is progressively being renovated (the facade on the river side is totally hidden).

We can nevertheless distinguish the fineness of this austro-hongarian building's decors on the parts which are not under work yet...




the ancient library seen from vratnik district          The ancient library being renovated


Two oversights of the ancient library of Sarajevo.

On the right one, you can see the facade under renovation.



The ancient library           the ancient library -Detail

  <    Details of the third side.    >



Detail -the ancient library





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