Eco-agrotourisme en Bosnie

Discovering Bosnia&Herzegovina (and surroundings) during my internship

posté le mardi 07 avril 2009 à 00:00

Wandering in the surroundings of Sarajevo (East direction)

Samedi matin, il faisait tellement beau que c'était une journée idéale pour aller me promener un peu plus loin que ce que j'avais fait jusqu'alors.

Je suis partie vers l'Est de Sarajevo puis j'ai continué en dehors de la ville en suivant plusieurs routes un peu au hasard...


Malheureusement pour les photos, le temps est redevenu un peu plus couvert très peu de temps après mon départ :-( 


Mais c'est vraiment superbe avec le printemps qui s'installe et fait verdir et fleurir les paysages!!



Saturday in the morning, the weather was so great that it was an ideal day for going on a walk further than I'd had been before.

I went to the East part of Sarajevo and I continue on my road out of the city, following ways randomly...


Unfortunately for the photographs, the weather changed and became a little bit cloudier a short time after I left home :-(


Nevertheless, it is really superb with the spring making the landscapes turning green and flowering!!



After strong rain days, the Miljacka river in Sarajevo was full of clay                 The Jajce fortress in Sarajevo, seen from the wandering way              The Goat Bridge (Kozja Čuprija) - XVIth century


The Goat Bridge (Kozja Čuprija) - XVIth century     Looking towards the West, I could see the Jajce Fortress in Sarajevo    Who can tell me which plant it is?


There are lots of careers in BiH, for reconstruction...        Landscape      Landscape


Towards the east in the valley where flows the Miljacka river      While returning to Sarajevo: landscape towards North   Returning to Sarajevo


Over Alifakovac Cemetery (south-east part of Sarajevo)                      The ancient library


Looking towards the west, from the south-east



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