Eco-agrotourisme en Bosnie

Discovering Bosnia&Herzegovina (and surroundings) during my internship

posté le mercredi 11 mars 2009 à 20:49

Snow over Sarajevo and muslim prayers call

Lorsque je suis arrivee, lundi, il s'est mis a pleuvoir, mais un peu plus tard dans la soiree, il s'est mis a neiger abondamment : la neige sur la ville avec le premier appel a la priere musulmane que j'aie jamais entendu, c'etait magique ! :


When I arrived, on Monday, it began to rain, but later in the evening, it started snowing very much : this snow over the city and the first muslim call to prayer I'd ever heard, it was magic ! :


#Hier very soon will be a little video clip: if i find how to have the sound when it's not a .mov format anymore !#


Mardi matin, il faisait beau, c'etait magnifique !

Tuesday morning, the sun was shining, it was magnifique !



Snowy morning in sarajevo (Vratnik district)           Sarajevo’s snowy roofs in the morning light



I temporarily sleep in a youth hostel in Vratnik district (very up-hill !).
I took the left picture from the kitchen window and the right one from the terrasse.




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