VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Eco-agrotourisme en Bosnie
Auteur : laetsgo-bosnie
Date de création : 05-03-2009
posté le 16-06-2009 à 01:07:38

May, 26th: Obojak village and future community house

Mardi 26 Mai, nous nous sommes rendus dans un village à 15 minutes au nord-ouest de Fojnica: Obojak.


C'est un village perché sur une colline (bénéficiant donc d'un magnifique paysage), majoritairement musulman, où les habitations et les activités sont restées très traditionnelles, ce qui donne à ce village un charme et une authenticité remarquables!


Alterural (future association pour le développement du tourisme rural en Bosnie-Herzégovine, dont la création est initiée par l'équipe Caritas International Belgique - mission Balkans) a acheté une maison, qui deviendra après restauration la maison communautaire du village d'Obojak. 

Y seront organisés animations diverses, repas, formations, hébergement, vente de produits du village, etc...


C'est vraiment un très beau village!


On Tuesday, 26th May, we went to a village 15 minutes drive at the north-west of Fojnica: Obojak.


It is a village on the top of a hill (it beneficits from a very great landscape), mostly Muslim, where houses and activities have kept on being very traditional, what gives to this village remarkable charm and authenticity!


Alterural (future association for the development of rural tourism in Bosnia & Herzegovina, its creation is initiated by the Caritas International Belgium - mission Balkans team) has bought a house, which will become after restoration the community house of Obojak village.

There will be organised various events, dinners, trainings, accomodation, selling of products from the village, etc.


It is really a very beautiful village!



Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica        Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica       Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica


Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica            Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica           Snow-plough/plow (chasse-neige) in Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica




Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica            the future Community house, in Obojak           the future Community house, in Obojak


the future Community house, in Obojak            Detail of a door-lock - the future Community house, in Obojak            the future Community house, in Obojak


the barn of the future Community house, in Obojak        the barn of the future Community house, in Obojak       the barn AND the future Community house, in Obojak


the future Community house, in Obojak                 Obojak, traditional village nearby Fojnica